Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pavers delivered....

Today our pavers got delivered too. There was a huge truck outside.

Our driveway is half covered with pavers!

This is the truck driver stacking the pavers with his machine.


Today the electricians hooked everything up.

This is the automotive system. It will be all controlled by a wireless remote!

This is our pump and other stuff I do not know! It is salt/chlorine generated.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Yesterday they started to plumb our pool. It looked like a huge mess, again!

The water in the bottom of the pool is from the water table underneath the ground. It smells really bad and looks gross.

This is all our pool equipment and pool heater. The farthest back unit is our AC unit that Jeff moved.

they finished today with all the plumbing. All the dirt is even around the pool ready for the electrical part and pavers. It will be done in no time.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


After church, My sister Jenn, and her husband Pat, my niece Sofia, Jeff, Daddy and I went out on my Dad's boat on Sunday. It was absolutely beautiful out. It was Sofia first time on the boat that she remembers. She loved it.

Jeff and Pat drinking beer, as usual!

We even saw an alligator in my dad's creek.
It was a blast. We got back to my Dad's dock just in time before it got dark. We saw an owl flying over our boat in the creek. He was beautiful.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun at the Beach...

Today we went to Huguenot Beach with our friends Jason and Claudia. We brought the Jet Ski and lots of beer, food and water for me!! It was a lot of fun. We ate burgers, steak, vegetables, chips and salsa.

Jason thinks he has a bigger belly then me!

It was such a beautiful beach day.I loved being in the sun and relaxing. I put SPF 30 & 45 simultaneously. I did not get any
extra sun, except my belly got a little bit.
After the Beach, we went home to get ready and we all went to Downtown Saint Augustine to eat dinner at Columbia's. It was yummy.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Just visiting...

Today my friend Jen and her little girl Kaeli stop by to visit and to see our wedding albums. She just started crawling so she is all over the place! She is nine months old. Jen is also expecting again in October.

She really wanted Daisey, but Daisey was unsure and keep running away!
Daisey at the top of the couch and Kalei wants to get to her so bad!!

Mya loved Kaeli. She walked up to her and sniffed her then gave her a big kiss!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Waterline Tile....

This stage is called installing the waterline tile and grout.
Here is a close up of the tile. It goes really well with our pavers.

It only took them 4 hours to install and grout. Jeff even made them change about 10 tiles because he wanted all the tiles to be different!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shooting the shell...

This stage is called shooting the shell, its with cement. They bring these big cement trucks and use a huge hose to shoot it.

Here it is all done. It only took them 3 hours to do the whole shell. It is amazing how fast it goes.

It looks like a pool now.

That's the sun seat with a place for an umbrella sticking out. It s about 8 inches of water. This is where the little guy and I will be if anyone ever needs to find us!!

Doctors Appointment...

Today I went to the OB for little guys and I check up. I measured 30 1/2 from top of belly to right above pelvis. The doctor said I am right on target for my due date with everything. We go back in 3 weeks, then 2 weeks, then I start going weekly!! It is getting so close. He is moving all around the last few days, and it is so amazing; but, very uncomfortable when he is in my ribs. At night once I am in a comfortable position, for about 10 minutes he moves all around to get comfortable as well. It is very neat. My back is horrible lately, but I am trying to take it easier. Our next check up is May 12th.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Steeling the pool....

This stage is called steeling. They take re bar and bend into the shape of the pool.

It is like a upside down bird cage.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Digging ends...Thank goodness!

There is a huge hole on our back yard now. That's Jeff in the pool.

I am glad this stage is over because it is very loud and messy. Mya and Daisey were getting on my nerves crying and barking to the front door and then to the back. It was very annoying.

The longest part of the digging is removing all the dirt and taking truck loads away to dump.

The poles sticking out will be cut when they poor the concrete.

The gravel is to suck up the water from the ground.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Digging Begins...

Today they started to dig the pool. This is the deep end side. I believe it's 6 feet.

So far they have found 3 pine trees in the ground and have dug them out. It smells really bad!

They will finish digging the hole tomorrow.

As Jeff and I are outside watching, Daisey and Mya are so upset they can not be out side with us. They really love the mess because they have to be walked around the community 3 or 4 times a day now to potty instead of just being left out back.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This Stage is called Forming. They put boards and post in to form the outside of the pool.

This is the side of our house. They leave all their equipment here over night. It is just a mess!

Monday, April 13, 2009

And the mess begins....Sod Removal

Of course it rained and stormed like crazy yesterday and this morning. It is an absolute mess in out back yard!

This Stage is called Sod Removal.

All this mess and commotion has Mya and Daisey in a rut. They are so upset they can not come out side with us. That's Mya pushing her face against our sliding glass door. She is very dramatic.