Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Conner's new baby Cousin...

Today at 4:07 PM my sister, Jenn, gave birth to Zachary Becker Delong. He was 7 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. Only 2 oz smaller than Conner. Zachary and Conner are 20 days apart. I believe they will grow up and be best friends! We will go and visit them when they are settled in at home.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Doctors Appointment...

Today Conner is 11 days old. He had a weight check visit today and has gained 5oz! Yea!! So feeding him every 2-3 hours (from the time you start, not finish) and being completely exhausted is paying off! Conner weighed in at 6lbs 11oz and 21 3/8 long. The doctor said we are doing wonderful and Conner is perfectly healthy. She stated she can see I am a very dedicated first time mother and she is so proud of me!The doctor said today that many woman do not stick with breastfeeding and that it takes a very special person to only breastfeed. You must have a lot of patience in the beginning with breastfeeding. I have to agree with her. I do not feel that formula is bad, but it is by far way easier to pop a bottle in their mouth and continue what you are doing. You can not do that breastfeeding. You must find a private spot and take an hour to feed him, and an hour later, it is feeding time again. It is so worth it to me in the end. So we are still going strong!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day...

Today was Jeff's first Father's Day. Conner and I made him breakfast and then we hung out out at the house all day. When Conner went down for his long nap, I went out to the pool and hung out with Jeff. We finally got alone time together and it was very nice and relaxing. At 4, we went over my Dad' s house and celebrated with him and all my siblings.

Also, My sister Jenn and I got Conner's pictures done for his announcement. I do not want to spoil the announcement, so here is just one picture of us.

Conner William....

These pictures were taken on Father's Day for his announcements by my sister Jenn.
He is 11 days old here.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

First Family Outing...

Conner wore an actual outfit today! We went out on our first outing to Babies R Us and Costco. We also ate pizza for lunch at Costco. Conner slept the entire time! He is such a precious angel.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Jeff's brother and his family stopped by for the night on their way to NC to visit with Conner. Cousins Megan & Nicholas with Conner. Megan just loved Conner. She wanted to hold and kiss him all the time. Megan is 2 1/2.

Nicholas is 7 months and is about to start crawling. His face has changed so much since the last time I saw him. He is so handsome.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thank you....

Thank you Na-Na and Pop-Pop for going shopping for me so I have clothes that fit me. He is so tiny and such an angel.
He is asleep in his boppy pillow.

Monday, June 15, 2009

First Sponge Bath...

Today Daddy gave Conner his first sponge bath. He hated it! We did it in front of the kitchen window with the sun shinning in, but he still cried. Poor thing was so cold

All bundled up in mommy's arms. He is so precious.

Doctors Appointment...

Today was Conner's First doctors appointment. He weighs 6lbs 6oz now, he is tiny! It is very normal for newborns to lose weight, especially breast feed babies. I am under strict orders to be 'Queen B' for the next week and only eat and feed Conner! We go back next week to weigh in. I am to feed him every two hours, if he is sleeping, I must wake him up. Conner screamed for a while getting his temperature taken, but he was an angel the entire visit. Of course in the middle of the appointment it was feeding time! He also got his Hep B shot and I shed a tear when I heard him cry and hold his breath. He was in pain and it broke my heart. Thanks to cousin Nicholas, Conner has a few clothes that actually are not too big on him. None of Conner's clothes fit him yet. He is so tiny. Not even Newborn clothes fit him.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daddy's little man...

Here is the proud Daddy! Once I get settled in and out of pain, I will post lots more pictures and a summary of the most wonderful day of my life. I never knew I could love something so much!

The Lippy cousins...

My sister and her kids came to visit the day we got home from hospital. She cooked us dinner too. The Lippy cousins and Conner.

Aunt Candi and Baby Conner

Tyler, my oldest nephew and Conner. I can not believe he is going into high school!

Noah and Conner

Madison and Conner. Thanks for dinner and coming to visit us, baby Conner loved it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

We Welcome Our Little Boy

Conner William Salch

June 11, 2009
2:22 p.m.
7 lbs 3 1/4 oz
21 in

Baby Conner all bundled up

Baby Conner So Sweet

Baby Conner

Sweet Baby Conner

Andrea and Baby Conner are doing great!
Baby Conner  and Mommie

Delivery was swift and awesome! Praise the Lord!!!!
Baby Conner and Mommie

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

He is almost here....

Today I went to the doctor, again. I am 75 % effaced and 1-2 centimeters dilated. It's good news he is progressing on his own. Although we still have 10 days to his official due date, I believe he will be coming a little earlier. The doctor said it could be tonight or next week. It is hard to tell.

I go back next Wednesday, 6/17, if I do not go into labor before then. My doctor is on vacation, of course. If I do not go before 6/22, I have an appointment with my doctor @ 10am and she said I will be going that day.

Please say a prayer and keep Conner and I in your thoughts as I am very scared. I just want him and I to have a healthy, happy delivery and of course not too much pain!

Friday, June 5, 2009

He is on his way...

Today I had my doctors appointment for an examination. I am 30% Effaced and almost 1 cm dilated. He is about 7 lbs or a little under right now. If I go to my due date, he will be 7 1/2 lbs. The doctor guesses I will go right before or around my due date.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tastefully Simple....

Tonight was my tastefully Simple Party. I completely forgot to take pictures! So, my friend, Jen did not! I had a great turn out and 14 people came. I appreciate everyone who came and ordered things. Thank you to all my helpers who helped clean and set up. I am crazy for having a party 2 weeks until my due date! I was in a lot of pain afterwards, so thank goodness for all you little helpers. My friend Jen, her daughter Kaeli and her great-grandmothers.

Nancy and Claudia chatting & Kaeli and her great-grandmother.